Welcome to SJL

Steve Jones, February 3, 2024

It's a pleasure to welcome you to Steve Jones Labs. My career has taken me though numerous entrepreneurial software development company starts, Merger and Acquisition (M&A) deals where those companies were sold to take them to the next level, contributing technology in public companies and national labs, and working with individual customers, one-on-one at SJL. All of the experiences were rewarding, but working 1:1 with customers is my favorite.

SJL is a place where I don't need to build software to fit a company's growth pattern as it adds employees; instead, it is a place where I can focus on creating solutions in interesting problem spaces that I would otherwise not find. Timing is flexible and totally customer-driven. It's luxurious to be able to provide exactly what is needed, at the customer's pace. It's also rewarding to contribute in so many different ways.

I hope you will consider working with Steve Jones Labs for your next design. Whether tactical or strategic, perhaps trading dollars for knowledge or a prototype, or simply getting something done rapidly and in a scalable, maintainable way. Whatever your needs, I'm looking forward to talking with you.

Welcome to Steve Jones Labs.

Steve Jones

Founder & Principal Investigator

Steve shares his experience and ideas on embedded development, software engineering, security and industry trends.




Contact Steve

Reach Steve on LinkedIn or on this site.